What is in Scope?

The majority of all new claims can be processed via ECF and are described under sections 3 and where applicable, section 4 of the SP&P,

Lloyd’s SPP v7 – PDF

Lloyd’s SPP v7

There are certain circumstances that ECF has not been required to support. In addition, there are instances where system change or further definition of market processes is required to enable full support.

The claims and business types that are not currently supported by ECF can be split into two categories as detailed below:

Business or claim types that ECF has never been required to support

Claims on unsigned risks (see section 4.28 of the ECF SP&P for more information)

Claims Payable Abroad (CPA)

General Average (GA) and marine salvage (where a guarantee is issued and administered by (XCS)

Letters of Credit, Loss Reserves and Outstanding Cash Advance (OCAs)

Proportional Treaties (Treaty Scheme)

Scheme Canada (except for Above Authority claims, see section 4.11.7 of the ECF SP&P for more information)

Bulk Settlements

Business or claim types excluded from the current implementation of ECF

The classes of business and types of claims or situations detailed in the list below are excluded from the current implementation of ECF and require further analysis before a solution can be developed.

Co-Lead Binding Authorities (see section 4.11.6 of the ECF SP&P for more information)

Certain Multiple OSND claims (see section 4.5 of the ECF SP&P for more information)