Workflow CWT & CWS
Is there an updated file to replace the daily “CSV” file received from Xchanging?
Yes, the Claim Workflow Trigger (CWT) file replaces the daily “CSV” and adds benefits to the process. Please see the ‘Technical’ section of the website for more info on CWT and Claim Workflow Services (CWS).
We use an in-house workflow system, how do we ensure this is linked to the most up to date process?
Review the Claim Workflow Trigger (CWT) functional specification and user guide within the ‘Technical’ section of this website. CWT is the data and file used to populate workflow systems.
How can I tell, in CWS, if a transaction / sequence has a previously queried transaction / sequence remaining unactioned. Preventing me from processing the latest transaction / sequence?
This issue was addressed in the change request releases from 2013. Now, for those who take up Xchanging’s CWS, transactions that have a previously queried transaction behind them will be ‘greyed’ out. This means that they are easily identifiable in CWS. Please refer to the ‘Technical’ section of the website and visit CWS change requests for more information.